Canadian Municipal Barometer

The Canadian Municipal Barometer dataverse is available here. The Canadian Municipal Elections Database, containing more than 40,000 distinct municipal election contests in Canada, is available here. Our database on women’s representation, constructed in collaboration with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, is available here. Please note that the Canadian Municipal Barometer is in a period of transition as we expand our team and scope; researchers who are interested in specific data should contact me directly until we have constructed our new consolidated data repository.

Canadian Voting and Policy Attitudes

The CVAP R package is available here. The interactive shiny app is available here. Raw data for the first phase of the project (vote intention and demographic variables) will be available at the Canadian Opinion Research Archive in the coming months; in the meantime, please contact me for access.

Researchers who are interested in policy attitudes and voting may also be interested in latent unidimensional ideology estimates created with Dave Armstrong; the individual-level ideology scores, together with MRP estimates of average ideological positions for municipalities and federal electoral districts in Canada, are available at this page.

Cities in Canadian Political Development

Shapefiles and associated information on Canada’s federal electoral districts from 1867-present are available here. A research note explaining the files is available here. We are happy to share our urbanity scores for federal electoral districts with interested readers; once they are updated to include Canada’s new electoral districts, we will make them publicly available.

Other Resources

Miscellaneous additional resources are available on my Dataverse. I have also written an R package to easily estimate Bayesian factor analysis models and produce useful summary statistics; it is available here, and I’m happy to explain how to use the package to anyone who would like to use it, but it is (and is likely to remain) completely undocumented and unsupported, so…buyer beware!

By Jack Lucas. Based on Hugo Researcher